Professor Yin ZhiNan Publishes in Nature as Corresponding Author
Prof. Yin Zhinan of Biomedical Translational Research Institute and the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University published as a corresponding author the research paper m6A mRNA methylation controls T cell homeostasis by targetingIL-7/STAT5/SOCS pathway in Nature, the world’s most cited scientific journal, on 09 August 2017. Dr. Tong Jiyu of the research institute is the co-first author and post-doctor Cao Guangchao is one of the co-authors.
The research is financially supported by Major Programs of International Cooperation and Exchange of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No.31420103901), the Higher Education 111 Project for the Base of Discipline Innovation and Introducing Intelligence (No. B16021), Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Hospital and Jinan University Talent Construction Program. Dr. Richard A. Flavell, a sterling professor of Immunobiology at Yale University and fellow of the Royal Society, is also the corresponding author of the paper. Professor Howard Y. Chang from Stanford University has involved in the research as well.
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